Day 09 : From Leipzig to Back on the Trail

Day 09: From Leipzig to Lutherstadt-Wittenberg to Lubast

DateJan 11, 2024 ( Thursday )
Today's Distance: 15 miles / 25 km
Route and StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 74 miles.
Total 2024 Caminos: 74 miles
Total All Caminos: 2074 miles
Lodging:  HeideHotel Lubast @ $68
Total Lodging: $ 581
Planes: $ 1300
Total Planes /
Travel Insurance:
$ 1470
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 25
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 103
Food: $ 41
Total Food: $ 272

Weather report: Indeed it was about 5° warmer today than the last couple days, which means the temperatures while I was hiking were in the very high teens and low to mid-20s. Also, for much of the day it was partly sunny.

Meaningful Moment

Random Thought of the Day

Very much a pavement day.

Another day of a lot of clothes to stay warm.
Feet: compression stockings and two pair of socks and hiking boots.
Lower body: two pair of pants.
Hands: heavy insulated winter gloves.
Upper body: wicking t-shirt, polo shirt, heavy shirt, starter winter jacket.
Headgear: either ski mask or knit cap with starter jacket hood

On the Road / Notable memories

8:18 a.m. Leave Leipzig on the ICE train. Transportation strike not affecting me so far.

Break in the weather: Back on the trail

9:00 a.m. Arrived Wittenberg. On the train a nice young woman introduced herself as a fellow Camino Walker when she saw the shell on my backpack. What a nice omen for the day!

9:20 a.m. As I was throwing my backpack on to start walking from the train station, an older woman stopped to ask me about my pilgrimage, basically where am I heading LOL.

9:30 a.m. Back on the trail after a coffee and pastry at the train station.

2:20 p.m. Came across a small supermarket where I'm stopping to get a rest since I haven't rested yet today. 
It's cold again. 
So this location is excellent to recharge the batteries for the final push to the hotel. 
And I'm going to do a little shopping to get some things to toss into the lunch bag.

2:40 p.m. Departing from the trail in order to head straight to the hotel.

4:30 p.m. Arrive hotel and ready to call it a day.

5:30 p.m. Beer. I am the only person in the hotel tonight.

7:30 p.m. Dinner. Starts with a hot Apple cinnamon soup. And brother, I need hot food. 

9. :30 p.m. Back to the room and prepping my stuff for tomorrow. Headed to bed by 10:30.

Leaving Leipzig, Germany behind

Leaving Wittenberg

Crossing the river Elbe

Yes, it was that cold this morning!



Rest place



Bergwitz See


First mentions or occurrences of Rotta are from the Bronze Age

Heide Hotel Lubast
I was the only person staying here until a short while ago. So there's two of us in this entire hotel. 
It's off season. Lol

A delicious apple and cinnamon hot soup for a chilled body


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