About the Via Imperii

Information comes from:

Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Via_Imperii )

World Walking ( https://worldwalking.org/walks/explore/1z6yqm

Paradox Forum ( https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/flow-of-trade-in-europe-via-the-via-regia-and-the-via-imperii.1387813/ )

In medieval Europe the trade between east and west, as well as north and south of the continent passed through Germany along the Via Regia (the "Royal Highway") and the Via Imperii ("Imperial Road", or rather "the Road that comes from the Empire"). The Via Regia and Via Imperii – these were designated routes in the Holy Roman Empire (and beyond its borders) -- were two main "royal highways" that afforded protection to travelers in return for tolls collected for the emperor, who had the duty to maintain the roads.

Besides their use as a trade route, they also served as a military routes and routes for pilgrimage.

The Via Imperii was one of the most important imperial routes of the ancient Holy Roman Empire, and carried trade from the shores of the Adriatic Sea to the Baltic. 

In 1430, 90% of all trade between Augsburg and Venice passed along the Via Imperii.

Parts of this historic route are today marked by Germany's Bundesstraße 2.


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