The differences between Words and Pictures 

I recently completed my video of the Via Imperii hike from Berlin to Leipzig.

It was a different experience in converting my verbal memoirs to a video setting.

It made expressing the deeper feelings at places like SchlossKirche, Wittenburg and St Nikolai Kirche in Leipzig so much more difficult. 

Guterfelde Forest

Although a picture may be worth a thousand words, it is still a flat two-dimensional representation of a physical place at a moment in time. 

The one thing that images can not do is capture the heart and spirit, as a person feels what a place means to them or how a moment in time moves the spirit.

I am not sure that memoirs of word are in any way equivalent to pictures shown in a video.

Word still remains the way to capture the emotions of hope and desire and want, but they lack the ability to bring a crystal-clear image to the reader/viewer.

My Camino Via Imperii Video


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