I Can Point to No Reason

Date Dec 25, 2023 (Monday) Total All Caminos: 2000 miles Planes: $ 1300 Total Planes / Travel Insurance: $ 1470 Meaningful Moment Last Friday was a nice day. I did my two hours at St Joseph's House of Hospitality. I helped make bag lunches and keep the hospitality tray filled with snacks. It's not demanding or complicated, but there is a small mental reward. I don't interact with the clientle, as I feel that I lack the skillsets required. Today the four of us working in the kitchen had nice conversations about life experiences. These are good people who care about the world around them. It brings me contentment to learn about others, and vicariously live and/or share new experiences. After that I spent two hours at the YMCA, playing pickleball. Besides providing stress relief, it is good training for my upcoming camino. It requires balance, muscle coordination and speed. Not necessarily anything I need for a daily 12-mile hike, but good for overall body conditionin...